
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Talking IDEAS - A Morning With Trevor Nel

Trevor writes:

Come and spend a morning with me Talking IDEAS - Life, Business & Money-Making Ideas.

Saturday 21st April - 8 a.m. to 12 Noon - stay for lunch & drinks.

Venue: My Home Office - 4 Etterby Close, Lonehill.

  • Bring YOUR OWN ideas
  • Share in the ideas of others
  • Brainstorm ideas from nowhere
  • Learn how to put your ideas into action
  • Monetise your ideas
Everyone knows that I have tons of my own ideas... and access to tons more ideas at the drop of a hat... and experience in taking many of my own ideas to market. I can share what we are doing with our Developing JV Blogs to uncover great business ideas, joint ventures and strategic alliances.

Every attendee will get an e-book copy of my publication 'How To GET WEALTHY In Your Sleep' (we'll use it to stimulate discussions) covering these chapter topics:

1. Can Anyone REALLY Make Money, Retire Wealthy… and Love Your Life..?
2. Is MONEY Really That Important In This Life..?
3. The STRANGEST Thing About Money
4. There Are MANY Different Ways To Make Money
5. The SAD Truth About Making Money
6. Three Steps To Making Money and Retiring Wealthy
7. Who PAYS THE PRICE For Your Success… Or Failure?
8. Making Money Work HARD For You
9. From STRUGGLE… To Making Money: A Quality Lesson
10. The Beauty Of A Revolutionary PASSIVE INCOME Business System
Conclusion: The Very BEST Investment You Can Make… Beginning Today

Come with an open mind and a desire to make lots of money and we should all have some fun with a SERIOUS agenda.

Booking Essential. Seats Limited.

Just R200 per head + R50 for lunch & tea/coffee/cooldrinks (if you're staying to shoot the breeze.. :-)

Book Here: Please Confirm Your Details for Sat. 21st April Talking IDEAS meeting on this link

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

About Taking IDEAS To Market

Trevor writes:

Some interesting links to people who understand how to take ideas to market:

1. Why do 88% of Ideas Fail to Make it to Market? - this author discusses an Innovation Process System that works. 'Generating good ideas and profitably bringing good ideas to market requires 7-steps.'

“Deliver to the right customer exactly what the customer wants, exactly where and when the customer wants in exactly the way and for exactly the amount the customer is willing to pay.”

2. About Ideas from Entrepreneurial Proverbs - great article - here's a few extracts:

  • Pay attention to the idea that won't leave you alone
  • If you keep your secrets from the market, the market will keep its secrets from you
  • Immediate yes is immediate no
  • Give people what they need, not what they say they need
  • Your ideas will get better the more you know about business
Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Here's A Neat IDEA For Home-Building Resources & Eco-Building

Trevor writes:

Thanks to Nikki Viljoen for forwarding these links to some innovative home-building resources online:

1. Annie Kempen's My Little Black Book - - says Annie: 'I want it to become the leading resource for good quality suppliers in every town, in every region throughout South Africa. We are all tired of bad service, I want MLBB to be filled up with people and businesses in every town, in every region, who supply excellent service - so that if someone in Hotazel needs air-conditioning, he just has to look in MLBB and he will find it.'



4. - eco-building example

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Monday, April 9, 2007

Second Life - An IDEA Whose Time Is Coming?

Trevor writes:

Now here's an idea that's got legs - - I get the feeling that we'll be using virtual life platforms like this to simulate and test new business ideas 'in-world' before we take them to the real world... and some may just make more money in this space than we/they do in the real world.

Check out: Breathing Second Life into Business - The virtual community is becoming an online destination of choice for big companies looking to test and sell new products and promote their brands

Also: Starting a Second Life Business - Find out what entrepreneurial opportunities the virtual world of Second Life has to offer.

See 80% of active Internet users will have a 'second life' - Gartner - Fifth Law: This is a long haul. Today’s multiplicity of virtual environments has developed through the convergence of social networking, simulation and online gaming. There are many new entrants, whose stability and scalability are not yet established. There is significant probability that, over time, market pressures will lead to a merging of current virtual worlds into a smaller number of open-sourced environments that support the free transfer of assets and avatars from one to another with the use of a single, universal client.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

Sunday, April 1, 2007

From Big Idea To BIG PROFITS in Business

Trevor writes:

Business entrepreneurs have to make their living in a rapidly changing world where competition is rampant and consumers, inundated with a myriad of choices, change their buying patterns in a flash.

One of the positive spin-offs of such uncertainty is that there is always a new opportunity for savvy entrepreneurs to develop new ideas to meet new trends and market demands.

Often, the biggest profits come from the simplest ideas that make it to the market and which appear so obvious to everyone after the event.

Being ready to snap up these opportunities requires business entrepreneurs to be mentally prepared to understand what is needed to succeed.

Here are some guidelines:

The business of business is profit. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different. The scorecard of a business is measured by the profit that it generates. Everything you do in your business should be intended to lead to profit.

Pay yourself first. You can do nothing for society by bankrupting yourself. Let creation of wealth, personal growth and development be your primary objective for you and those who are associated with your enterprise.

Be innovative. Make it your continual goal to think of ideas to change the world and add value to society, and then put them into action.

Be aware. Constantly scan international news releases, web links and industry bulletins to identify new trends and subtle twists to ‘old faithful’ income generators.

Think BIG. It takes just as much time and effort to launch a small business project as it does to work on a big project… go for the BIG idea.

Think SPEED. Speed to market is the battle cry of successful entrepreneurs in the 21st Century. Be prepared to move from idea to implementation in a matter of weeks.

Do It Now! Be ready to complete your business plan, marketing plan, test market research and produce marketing material within a matter of days.

Don’t be afraid of failure. The more you keep yourself aware of trends and on the ‘bleeding edge’ the more projects you are going to put into action. Many of them will fail. Keep trying until you find your winner. Then keep trying some more until you find your next winner. Welcome failure!

Massive action. Give every resource and commitment you have to producing significant results in 90 to 120 days.

Be inspired. Look for ways to add UNIQUE twists to commonly accepted products and services. Use simple technologies to create a ‘WOW’ affect.

Be enthusiastic. Consumers can sense your enthusiasm in delivering a quality product or service. If it is really that great, you will be really enthusiastic.

Be persistent. Set your eyes on each goal and don’t stop until you achieve what you want to achieve.

Guarantee your quality. Stand by the quality of your product or service with your personal guarantee.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -