
Saturday, May 12, 2007

If You Think It, It's Probably Already Been THUNKED

Trevor writes:

Found someone who thinks as I do... interesting read.

See Mosh Pit as Innovation Model - here's an extract:

as CDBaby's Derek Sivers put in in this post: "It’s so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas. (People who want me to sign an NDA to tell me the simplest idea.)To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions."

It's our implementation, not our idea that matters.

Even if we are the only ones to have a specific new and protectable "idea" (unlikely), the moment we reveal it, everyone else will have it too. The barrier to entry today is way too low to use "intellectual property" as a main advantage. And all too often, we think we have a unique idea only to find that others are -- independently -- doing the same things.

I've been toying with this slogan in my head for a while:

If You Think It, It's Probably Already Been THUNKED!

In other words, don't get to precious about your ideas... rather concentrate on researching their viability (look for the lessons from others who are thinking along the same path) and implementing them sooner than anyone else.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -

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